There are plenty of “environmental experts” --- yet few can approach site challenges with the experience of both engineer and owner/developer.

When a bank, investor or builder acquires property or lots, over-night its exposure to liability increases exponentially. The property may have had zero expenditure on erosion/sediment control for years.  Silt may be flowing onto neighbors’ property and waters of the state --- from an unseen corner of the property.  EPD has told Jim Garrigus that attorneys constantly review their files, looking for “deep pockets.” 

The head of a bank's Special Assets was being threatened by the county & EPD with numerous violations, plus a claim that a stream buffer had been encroached.  Jim Garrigus intervened, walking the site with the bank, EPD and county inspectors.  Jim proved buffers were not encroached, and after two weeks met in the office of EPD's regional manager, resulting in a closed file and zero fines. 

The credibility of Jim's background brings an immediate change in the tone of the conversation.

Typical services include:

Personal representation on site, offices and (if necessary) hearings before EPD,
Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) & Corps of Engineers

Jim Garrigus is a GSWCC Level IA & Level II "Certified Design Professional"
    and a national Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
As such, he can design and stamp NPDES erosion & sediment control plans and manage installation

Jim Garrigus has “lived with" EPD, GSWCC and the Corps of Engineers for the past 16 years --- in the field, in their offices and in their hearings.  Working relationships with not only these agencies, but also rank-and-file field inspectors ..... On-the-ground experience, as a developer and engineer, with these agencies, resolving problems.  He has several close working relationships with EPD professionals.  

Garrigus Consulting has served SunTrust Bank since early 2009 as its sole NPDES advisor on over 200 subdivisions and commercial properties.  Services have included all aspects of NPDES permit compliance, design and management of site erosion control and all technical discussions with EPD.  During this period the bank gained the reputation with Georgia EPD as the bank with the best control over its sites --- zero enforcement actions and zero fines on sites under our management. 

In 2012 assisted the bank as it entered into a special Consent Agreement with Georgia EPD --- not as a result of enforcement action, but rather a vehicle to minimize EPD's administrative effort.  Under the agreement, Garrigus Consulting has been the sole professional reviewing sites, stabilizing them as needed and certifying them as Finally Stabilized.